Relaxing holiday on Lake Como all year around
What does it mean relaxing holiday for you?
Lake Como is a great spot for a relaxing weekend and is even more relaxing and destressing during low season.
The lake is defenetely calming when nobody is around you and you can simply read a book listen to the sound of the lake.
Just take a break from your life and breathe, be calm as the lake is from November to March.
What does it mean relaxing holiday for us
A relaxing holiday on Lake Como is:
no thought, no stress, no hurry
Design accommodations with every comfort, calming colours. A good book, nice music, walking along the lake.
Starring at the landscape and listen to the sound of nature.
Then tea time and why not, a yoga or meditation class or a relaxing massage to relax also muscles and tendons.
Be relaxed, in your body and mind!
Relax your body
A massage is defenetly a plus once on holiday. We offer this service in our accommodation. You can book it in advance when you decide to spend some time with us. But also once in Bellagio. Many are the clients who tried already and were very satisfied.
A physiothearpist we collaborate with can make the difference.
Our relaxing holiday on Lake Como will make you relax at your best and be back one completely recharged.
Everything will be tailor made depending on your needs.
Relax your mind
5 rules to relax your mind during your stay with us at Lake Como:
- be lazy
- choose a good book
- forgot your mobile
- enjoy the local rythm
- listen to our music selection
Everything is slow by the lake, during winter time everything looked freezed up. The snow on the mountain, the fresh breeze and the light fog on the lake.
You’ll never forget that feeling.