Top 5 things to do on Lake Como – Autumn version
1. A road trip
is a must in this season. Autum and Spring are defenetly the best periods to visit lake Como. The weather is perfect, not too hot and not too cold. The Summer crowd has gone and you can enjoy this beauty all for yourself. Taking a trip with a cabrio car, along the empty lake streets, would be a great idea to discover the area.

2. A daily spa
in one of the top stars hotels on lake Como will make you feel like a royal. Why not relaxing by the lake in an elegant place, where to be spoilt for a day. You can book your daily spa in adavance, maybe taking an appointment for a massage too. Here many are the lakeview saunas, swimming pools.. that will let you recharge for the normal daily life. A great idea would be to combine this day with a brunch or a snack with some tasty italian food.
3. A private boat tour
in Autumn will be unforgettable. The lake is calm, the breeze is tepid and the crowd has gone. This is a way to discover our beauty exactly like we locals love to. In autumn the colours are even more stunning. And the view from the lake will let you discover amazing spots that will stay forever in your heart.

4. An outdoor lunch or dinner
by the lake, in one of the many tasty restaurants serving typical food. But also in a resturant up on the hills, where the view is from another persepctive but still unforgettable. The yellow and orange colours of this season, the smell of autums flowers and leaves will go with you even after your holidays.
5. A gardens tour
is a must during the colour’s season. Walking through our amazing green spots along the lake will make you absorbe all the calm of our place. The crowd of the Summer as gone and you can enjoy the open air without queing or worst not entering at all.
And why not, book your private guide to make your day even more interesting discovering all the curiosities about gardens and villas.